Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Meghan Trainor - Dear Future Husband Lyrics Rant

  I enjoy putting the music channel on the tele when I am cleaning so hear majority of the new pop music that is released. Anyway over the past few weeks I have heard this Meghan Trainor song 'Dear Future Husband' being played and it made me feel uncomfortable. At first I wasn't paying attention to the lyrics but just something about it made me think, 'what is this rubbish I am hearing?!' 

Now as it has bugged me for weeks, I thought I would finally pull up the lyrics and see what they are saying. And personally I think it's another attack on men and how women should get whatever the hell they like and will return the favor with spending men's money and having sex with them. Now last I heard from feminist's they were after equality, treating each sex with the same respect as the other, so why is it okay for a female to make out a male is simply a slave to his desire for sex? If it was the other way round there would be an uproar from the feminist community. 

But then at the same time this song is pretty offensive to women too don't you think? Your only uses are going to work (doesn't specify what job), spending money and providing sex? Does that not make females mad too? 

Now lets have a nosey at some of the lyrics. They aren't very creative to say the least, it's a pretty rubbish song in my opinion anyway but hey lets have a look anyway.

Dear future husband,
Here's a few things
You'll need to know if you wanna be
My one and only all my life

So to start with you men NEED to know a few things if you want to be her one and only. You should feel so special that she is even considering you, after all she will provide you with soooo much (sarcasm if you missed it)

Take me on a date
I deserve it, babe
And don't forget the flowers every anniversary
'Cause if you'll treat me right
I'll be the perfect wife
Buying groceries
Buy-buying what you need

Take her on a date and don't forget flowers because she will be the perfect wife by spending the money. How kind of her. Now I know they both need groceries but how is going spending the money making the perfect wife? Last I heard majority of couples argue over money or the lack of it. Unless you twist it the other way and say she is spending the money to buy things for the male. How nice of her, treat her and she will give you gifts as a nice little reward for behaving? Don't you feel all special and worthy now? 

You got that 9 to 5
But, baby, so do I
So don't be thinking I'll be home and baking apple pies
I never learned to cook
But I can write a hook
Sing along with me
Sing-sing along with me (hey)

Now Mr Future Husband you have a 9-5 job, well done you. Just like majority of other people in the world, but so does she. Totally respect that, some women are happy to have a career outside of the home but remember being a stay at home Mother or a housewife is just as important. But she can't cook. Because she has a job why should she need to know how to cook. Sod that, men you can cook because she can't, even though you have a 9-5 job, but hey she can write you a song, not a very good one mind but she can write a song, as that is such an important trait when it comes to being a perfect wife? So Mr Husband you are so far expected to work, cook, take her on dates and buy her flowers and at this stage of the song all you get in return is her going shopping. Yay! Sounding like an awesome marriage so far. 

You gotta know how to treat me like a lady
Even when I'm acting crazy
Tell me everything's alright

Okay I get this bit, but don't push it ladies with the crazy stuff. It's just mean. 

After every fight
Just apologize
And maybe then I'll let you try and rock my body right
Even if I was wrong
You know I'm never wrong
Why disagree?
Why, why disagree?

I hate being wrong, always have but I will apologize if I am wrong. This isn't painting a good image at all. The amount of young women and girls this woman will influence and she is teaching them a man should say sorry even if they mean it or not and that no matter what they can't do no wrong. It's also teaching men to say sorry even if they have nothing to be sorry for, how will you know if it's a sincere apology? But if you do these thing, she may, MAY let you sleep with her.

Dear future husband,
Make time for me
Don't leave me lonely
And know we'll never see your family more than mine

Totally agree that couples should make time for each other and attempt to have equal relationships with each side of the family but remember it goes both ways! 

I'll be sleeping on the left side of the bed (hey)
Open doors for me and you might get some kisses
Don't have a dirty mind
Just be a classy guy
Buy me a ring
Buy-buy me a ring, (babe)

She likes to give her orders doesn't she? How can she tell the guy not to have a dirty mind when the only things she has offered in return for him being a good husband and giving into all her demands is sex or things related to sex. Poor guy isn't allowed a dirty mind but all she sees him as is a money making machine that is a slave to his 'only' desire which is sex? Don't forget to buy her a ring lads, need to seal the deal of a life time of being used and worshiping her. After all she has earned it by spending money, and giving kisses? 

Dear future husband,
If you wanna get that special loving
Tell me I'm beautiful each and every night

Another order given by your future wife, you want some loving you have to tell her she is beautiful. Yep, I agree with this but what about the other way. Does a man not need to be told he is handsome and feel loved. Does a guy not want his wife to show him some loving because she wants to, because she wants to show him some affection. Nope he has to earn it by making money, allowing her to spend it, cooking, buying flowers, taking her on dates, opening doors, not allowing her to feel lonely, saying sorry even if he isn't wrong, telling her she is beautiful to receive sex and don't forget the ring. The ring in the important bit, because this way once she is bored of you being her lap dog and she decides she wants an 'equal' she will divorce you and take everything you have! 

How beautiful is this song?! Total classic, teaching young women everywhere they are to be worshiped and teaching men that they are to do as they are told. Nothing like equality is there? 

Now I am not attacking women and I am not attacking men in this post, I am simply attacking who ever the hell decided to write and produce this awful song! And Meghan for singing it and promoting it.

When will we get a decent role model for young people. Music has such an influence on so many peoples lives and yet they decide to promote things like this. If equality is what people want then I think we are stepping backwards a bit, don't you? 

Lyrics taken from http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/meghantrainor/dearfuturehusband.html

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