Sunday, 13 March 2016

Who Is Anti C Section?

'To witness the birth of a child is our best opportunity to experience the meaning of the word miracle.'
- Paul Carvel

Now I'm fully aware I am a little late on the band wagon for this one but this morning I saw a post on Facebook, shared by a friend about c-sections. 

Above is the post that I saw. Now I know the wording of this post is a little odd but you get the idea. C-section Mother's are proud of their scars. I have seen very similar posts like this before and didn't really think anything of it (probably why I'm a little late writing about it).

But today I thought who are these people that don't believe a woman is really a Mother if she didn't give birth 'naturally'? 

I think the reason I dismissed these posts in the past where because I thought, and I will offend, who are these attention seekers that have decided people don't think they are real mothers?

I honestly just thought it was attention seekers wanting a pat on the back for giving birth via c section. Yes I sound harsh saying that but I'm just telling the truth.

I have never thought, 'oh you had a c section, well you aren't a real mother then.' Seriously who would think that?! 

To me a Mother doesn't even need to give birth to a child to be a Mother! So who cares if baby arrived into the world via the birth canal or was cut out of the uterus? 

In my eyes a baby is a miracle no matter what. And I think it is an amazing process of how a baby is created. If you are a mother (biologically or not), look at your child, children now! At some point they were just a tiny little tadpole (sperm haha) and an egg. That's what they were in the beginning. That tiny they can't be seen by the naked eye and now look at them, they are wriggling, running, jumping around in front of you! So who cares how they exited the body, all that matters is they are here now, making your world that little bit brighter!  

You are a Mother because you cared/care for your child. You protect them, love them, would kill or die for them if it came to it. And I thought nobody cared about how they arrived but it appears I may be wrong. Now I say may as I'm still a little unsure. 

After a little research I found out that apparently the people who have caused this uproar are members of a church called, Disciples of the New Dawn. 

I will be honest though it was difficult to actually find their site. I did a quick Google of the name, did not mention c section in my search and almost all the links were to news sites, blogs, websites talking about them and their views. I didn't actually find them, the Disciples of the New Dawn, saying themselves this was how they felt about c section.

Some sites said that this church believed you were going to hell for having a c section. I even went onto the images section of the search and here are a couple of examples of what I found. 

None of these images were linked to the website of Disciples of the New Dawn website though. They were from new sites and websites unrelated.

During my time digging I did however find a Facebook page for them. But after reading it I did think, 'this is a load of rubbish.' I did not get the impression this was a religious group, it just came across as some huge troll wanting attention and succeeding. 

So I'm calling bull crap. I don't believe there is a church saying these things but if I am wrong and you have proof otherwise I honestly would love to see it. I will happily hold my hands up if I am wrong. I did find their actual website and couldn't find any information about c-sections. 

In conclusion, so long as we love a child unconditionally, care for them, provide for them and protect them then we are Mothers. No need to argue about how these children came into the world, they are all miracles no matter what. 

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