'The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.'
If I had a pound for every time I have said to myself, 'you have no talents, you have no passions.' I would be a millionaire. Unfortunately I can be my worst enemy. I come up with ideas of things I want to do and then talk myself out of them. Time and time again I have thought, I'd like to try that but then told myself but you have no talents, you'll be rubbish, don't try.
I don't think I'm alone in this way of thinking. I have spoken to so many people in my life and in general conversation, you can tell they too knock themselves down, they do not believe they have talents and they have no idea what their passions are and because of this they live in ground hog day.
Day in, day out, it is the same thing. So many people are too scared to try something new. We live in fear of failure. But if we don't try how will we find our talents, how will we find our passions.
Now I am one of these people. I am 26 years old now and still do not know my passion.
Lately I have been feeling old, I know 26 isn't old but at the same time in them 26 years I still haven't discovered my passion. And in all honesty I haven't done much to try and find them either.
I've realised lately though that I have been going about it all the wrong way.
The things I have done and tried, most of them have been guided by money. I have thought to myself, 'right what jobs, passions or talents make money?' This is totally the wrong way to look at things.
Because of this train of thought I have completed accountancy qualifications, sign language qualifications, I have been on self employment courses, I have simply worked jobs that offered the highest wage. None of these things led me to passion or talents. Yes I completed these things and yes I made some money but it wasn't enough and I now believe the reason they didn't lead to success and money was simple because I didn't enjoy or feel passionate about any of them.
Think back to when you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A police man? An artist? A writer? A dog trainer? A singer? Whatever it was that you wanted to be.
What happened? What changed your mind? With me it was money. Either I didn't have enough or I was told it didn't make much money so don't bother with it.
Yet we look around the world and we see successful artists, we see successful writers, singers, dog walkers.
Obviously I don't know all the information behind how they became successful, but I do know they are passionate about it and they are talented.
But how did they find these talents? I bet they didn't find them by just sitting at home or going to the same job they hated day in day out and wait for the talent to be handed to them on a plate. I bet they went out and tried new things. I bet they failed many times, I bet they suffered a lot of criticism in the beginning but who's the loser now? Them living a life they love or us sat at home sulking and feeling sorry for ourselves because we keep telling each other we have no talents and we don't have a passion.
When a few of us did a sponsored walk. Ended up walking almost 24 miles.
Now I'm writing this more for myself than I am anyone else. But if you are able to take something from this then fantastic.
Looking back over my life there were a lot of things I thought I could never do. Even little things like using a lawn mower or fixing a toilet. Or even like this blog, I used to think I could never write but I see myself I have now done these things and each time I do them I get that little bit better.
So now I've decided I have to stop putting myself into a box that I believe I cannot stretch out from. I need to realise that until I have tried, multiple times, then I will not know whether I can or can't do it. And all of you should think the same way.
Many successful people have failed time and time again but they kept getting back up, learned from their mistakes and in the end they finally did it.
So now it's our turn, we need to stop saying we can't and start trying new things, until we try we will never know.
What new thing are you going to try this year?
A quote from one of my favourite films, Wall e, 'I don't want to survive, I want to live!'
Do you want to stay where you are right now or do you want to learn, grow and live!?
Have a great day everyone and stay positive and motivated. And don't forget, try something new! ;)
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