Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Photography - Beginner

'Life is like a camera. Focus on what is important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives. If things don't work out take another shot.'
- Unknown

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been around lately. I managed to get my hands on a camera so have been playing with it. I love taking photos but only ever had my phone to take them with. I managed to get good photos with my phone but not good enough quality to print off and admire. :( 

In the past I was able to borrow one of my Dad's camera's if I ever went anywhere and enjoyed taking photos. One of my favourites was when I went to Chester and captured the below photo of an American man that was staying at the same hotel as us.

I totally fell in love with this shot. The man just seemed to have so much character and I felt the picture really spoke to me. Since then it has drove me potty not being able to attempt to get great shots again. 

But finally I've managed to get hold of a proper camera and now have the chance to play around. 

I have been so use to phone or little cameras that have no settings other than auto so now is my chance to play around with all the other settings you get on a real camera. So I'll share below some of the shots I've managed to get so far.

Hope you enjoy the photos and this is basically why you haven't heard from me in a while. Hopefully I'll improve as I go along. 

Check me out on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook! :) 

Twitter - Click here to see my Twitter Page

Saturday, 23 April 2016

You Have No Talents And No Passions - Have you ever said this to yourself?

'The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.'
- Steve Jobs

When I won my national award back in 2012

If I had a pound for every time I have said to myself, 'you have no talents, you have no passions.' I would be a millionaire. Unfortunately I can be my worst enemy. I come up with ideas of things I want to do and then talk myself out of them. Time and time again I have thought, I'd like to try that but then told myself but you have no talents, you'll be rubbish, don't try. 

I don't think I'm alone in this way of thinking. I have spoken to so many people in my life and in general conversation, you can tell they too knock themselves down, they do not believe they have talents and they have no idea what their passions are and because of this they live in ground hog day. 

Day in, day out, it is the same thing. So many people are too scared to try something new. We live in fear of failure. But if we don't try how will we find our talents, how will we find our passions.

Now I am one of these people. I am 26 years old now and still do not know my passion.

Lately I have been feeling old, I know 26 isn't old but at the same time in them 26 years I still haven't discovered my passion. And in all honesty I haven't done much to try and find them either. 

I've realised lately though that I have been going about it all the wrong way. 

The things I have done and tried, most of them have been guided by money. I have thought to myself, 'right what jobs, passions or talents make money?' This is totally the wrong way to look at things.

Because of this train of thought I have completed accountancy qualifications, sign language qualifications, I have been on self employment courses, I have simply worked jobs that offered the highest wage. None of these things led me to passion or talents. Yes I completed these things and yes I made some money but it wasn't enough and I now believe the reason they didn't lead to success and money was simple because I didn't enjoy or feel passionate about any of them.

Think back to when you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A police man? An artist? A writer? A dog trainer? A singer? Whatever it was that you wanted to be.

What happened? What changed your mind? With me it was money. Either I didn't have enough or I was told it didn't make much money so don't bother with it.

Yet we look around the world and we see successful artists, we see successful writers, singers, dog walkers.

Obviously I don't know all the information behind how they became successful, but I do know they are passionate about it and they are talented. 

But how did they find these talents? I bet they didn't find them by just sitting at home or going to the same job they hated day in day out and wait for the talent to be handed to them on a plate. I bet they went out and tried new things. I bet they failed many times, I bet they suffered a lot of criticism in the beginning but who's the loser now? Them living a life they love or us sat at home sulking and feeling sorry for ourselves because we keep telling each other we have no talents and we don't have a passion. 

When a few of us did a sponsored walk. Ended up walking almost 24 miles.

Now I'm writing this more for myself than I am anyone else. But if you are able to take something from this then fantastic. 

Looking back over my life there were a lot of things I thought I could never do. Even little things like using a lawn mower or fixing a toilet. Or even like this blog, I used to think I could never write but I see myself I have now done these things and each time I do them I get that little bit better. 

So now I've decided I have to stop putting myself into a box that I believe I cannot stretch out from. I need to realise that until I have tried, multiple times, then I will not know whether I can or can't do it. And all of you should think the same way. 

Many successful people have failed time and time again but they kept getting back up, learned from their mistakes and in the end they finally did it.

So now it's our turn, we need to stop saying we can't and start trying new things, until we try we will never know.

What new thing are you going to try this year? 

A quote from one of my favourite films, Wall e, 'I don't want to survive, I want to live!' 

Do you want to stay where you are right now or do you want to learn, grow and live!? 

Have a great day everyone and stay positive and motivated. And don't forget, try something new! ;)

Check me out on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook! :) 

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

The Importance of Mother Daughter Time - Learning as I go along.

'In my daughters eyes, I am a hero. I am strong and wise. And I know no fear. But the truth is plain to see. She was sent to rescue me. I see who I want to be, in my daughter's eyes.'
- Song by Mart'na McBride

My baby girl is called Katelyn. She is now the middle child and turns 7 next month. It seems to be going so quickly. 

My pregnancy was pretty tough with her. I had severe morning sickness for over 6 months of the pregnancy, it was awful. Honestly I don't even know why they call it morning sickness, it was day and night! Thankfully the birth was easy enough, as far as giving birth goes anyway.

I had a very bad experience with my first child so when I went into labour with my daughter I stayed away from the hospital for as long as I possibly could. The time came and I knew she was ready to come into the world. I phoned the hospital, told them I was about to give birth. They asked if my waters had broken, I told them no. Their response was, get a bath and take some paracetamol. Thankfully because she was my 2nd I knew what was happening otherwise I'd of given birth in the bath!

We made our way to the hospital, everything was going smoothly but I did start pushing as soon as I was in the delivery room. At this point my waters still hadn't broken, the midwife said that they don't pop the waters at this hospital, guess today was the day they would break procedure. Katelyn was born in her amniotic sac, the midwife had to leave the room to get something to pop it haha.

Old folklore says that being born in the water sac is a sign of good luck. Only 1 in 80,000 babies are born in their amniotic sac. At the time I wouldn't have agreed it was a sign of good luck but 6 nearly 7 years on I'd say Katelyn has brought some good luck to us in the way of bringing happiness to our lives. 

I won't lie, she can be a little monster at times (another myth about being born in the water sac is the child will become a vampire haha seems fitting) but over all Katelyn has a huge heart, she is so loving and caring. She is a very emotional child, which could be seen as a bad thing, but with the world being so hard hearted these days I am glad she is in touch with her emotions. As like majority of children, Katelyn is very different to her siblings, but I think the uniqueness of each child just makes being a Mother to them all that more worth while. 

She is a leader, she is sporty, loves the outdoors, loves running around with her friends, she also loves art, anything crafty and she wants to be involved. At the moment theses traits are not seen as a good thing by her school, which does make me sad. She is expected to fit into a box that the school see as what a child should be, thankfully she keeps fighting this. 

I love my daughter very much, just as much as my other children but with her personality seeming to be an issue at the moment at school she needs me now more than ever.

She is polite, isn't disrespectful, she just struggles to sit quietly. She struggles to be a sheep simply because deep down she is a shepherd. 

I'm actually crying typing this, crazy isn't it how emotional you get as parent trying to protect your child from such a cold world.

Right, so now you know a bit of the background of my baby girl I'll get back onto 'Mother Daughter Time'.

Parent and child time is important for every single child in the world no matter the circumstances, but for today I'll just be talking about my Mother Daughter time and I hope you are all able to take something from this. 

With Katelyn going through the struggle of not fitting into the box society wants her to fit in at the moment, it is difficult for her and I have now realised the importance of one on one time more than ever. 

Your child needs to feel special. 

Your child needs to feel loved.

Your child needs to know you will make time for them.

Your child needs to know you think they are awesome.

Your child needs to know that you have their back.

It is our job as parents or guardians to tick all these boxes and make our children feel so loved that nothing and no one can stop them from being who they really are. 

Quick note - Just to be clear always remember you can be your child's friend but remember that first and foremost you are the parent and do need to set boundaries. As you will know your child better than anyone else, you will know what boundaries to set that will keep them safe but also not stop them from growing as a person. 

The above things I listed are obviously things we need to be doing everyday but one on one time is needed now and then just to have a catch up and make your child feel that extra bit special. 

Katelyn and I had some Mother Daughter time last Thursday night and Friday day. I didn't go and spend a fortune on her by spoiling her with new toys or clothes, yes that's nice but not always needed. Instead we had a girly night.

My eldest son had gone to his Grandad's for the night and my youngest was in bed so me and Katelyn had face masks, a bit of junk food and painted our nails. She loved the attention and boy did it help her open up. I couldn't shut her up haha she was telling me way more than usual. 

You know what kids are like. You ask them what they did at school and get the same response most of the time, 'I don't remember' or 'nothing.' 

The next day we were rebels and had McDonalds and did a little shopping. Just this little bit of one on one time made so much difference. She was a super star! She seemed happier, was listening better and opening up more. Over all it was a success.

I try to have one and one time with each child but unfortunately it isn't as often as I would like. After seeing the change it brought in Katelyn this time round, I will definitely be making sure I book in the time with each child to do something just with them.

I hope you were able to take something away from this post. Do you already make sure you have one on one time with your child? Do you think maybe you should make more of an effort to fit it in? Do you have any ideas on what to do? Or maybe experiences you'd like to share? I'd love to hear. Leave a comment or direct message. 

Love your babies and enjoy parenthood! :) 

If you are interested in more things than just my articles please check me out on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. 

Monday, 18 April 2016

Low Self Esteem - Do you suffer from it? You're not alone.

'Most fears of rejection rest on the desire for approval from other people. Don't base your self-esteem on their opinions.'
-Harvey Mackay

I think most of us know how it works on Youtube. You start watching a video of cats doing funny things and some how end up on a video showing you how to make your own boat out of tooth picks! My point is Youtube is random, it suggests really unrelated posts and you end up watching videos about anything and everything. Well this is what happened to me tonight.

If I'm being totally honest I started by watching a video on how to get up early in the morning. Yes that sounds like a stupid thing to be watching but now the kids are back at school and I'm forced into setting my alarm for stupid o clock in the morning, I thought surely someone has some trick on getting up early without feeling like crap. Anyway I'm going off point. (But if you are interested I didn't find one haha so feel free to link a good one in the comments.)

So after watching this I some how ended up watching a video of signs of low self esteem. 

I think for the majority of my life I was kind of aware I had low self esteem but it wasn't something I really thought about and in all honesty I tried to just push it to the back of my mind. I thought with age I'll get to the point where I don't care any more. 

But today I realised, how many opportunities will I miss waiting for this time to come? 

How many days will I be sad about it and therefore miss out on happy moments?

How many times will I beat myself up over something about myself because someone has made a comment? 

How many years will go by where I think I am worthless and what people say is true?  

I'm 26 years old now, 27 this year. Life is going by very quickly! I look back on my life so far and although I remember many times I've been happy and had great things come my way, like my children and my fiancé. I also think about the many opportunities I have missed because I have low self esteem. And do I want the next 26 years of my life to be the same? Or do I want the next 26 years to have even more happiness in than it has already had. 

Right lets get on to the signs of low self esteem that I found in this video I fell on. 

Indecisiveness. This was the first one. Are you the type of person who sits on the fence? Or really struggles to make a choice because you are worried about who you will upset or what conflict may become of the choice you make? Will someone not like me because my choice wasn't what they wanted?

Negative Self Talk. Do you come up with some great ideas but then talk yourself out of them? Maybe a business plan, but then talk yourself out of it by listing a million things that could go wrong instead of what could go right? Maybe you try on a dress that you love but then start telling yourself people might comment on it not suiting you? Or that your bum looks big? 

Fear of rejection. Are you constantly worried about being rejected? Maybe you want to make new friends but worry they'll reject you because you think you are not worthy or good enough. Or you want to start that business but you are in fear of people not wanting you or your product?

Materialistic. This video said being materialistic is a sign of low self esteem. At first I didn't get this but then I thought about it and realised how many people will buy the latest fashion trend to fit in, be accepted and think this product will make them likeable. 

Need to express accomplishments. This one I didn't even think about either. I have come across a few people in my life that have gone on and on and on about their accomplishments as if that makes them who they are. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't talk about your achievements, you should be proud of them and should talk about them, but I think the guy in the video meant the people who constantly repeat them or it's the only thing they talk about. As if it the only thing that gives them worth.

Values others opinions more than your own. This was the last one he mentioned in the video and I think this one is the most obvious sign of low self esteem. I think in some, not all cases, when selfies are posted, for example, people liking the photo or commenting nice things make people with low self esteem think for a moment, maybe I'm not so bad. I am totally guilty of valuing other peoples opinions over my own, when in reality people don't always have the right opinion for you and your life.

Anyway I know a lot of people would never admit outside of their own mind that they have low self esteem but just reading the comments on the Youtube video I watched, really showed me that I, we, are not alone. Many, many, many people out there suffer with low self esteem. Some of us may hide it better than others but it appears that it is very common.

I'm no expert obviously. I haven't done a huge study or got into the minds of 100's of people with low self esteem so I can't say everyone who suffers it experiences the same things as listed above. But going from my own personal experiences I tick pretty much every box.

And I guess I'm writing this post to admit it to myself and to also let others know that we are in the same boat and you are not alone. 

I probably couldn't pin point where the low self esteem started in my life, and over time it just became a list of life experiences that kind of just hammered a nail in the coffin so to say. But through my childhood I had many negative experiences mainly from adults. I was never bullied in Primary school but my low self esteem did start about primary school age.

All the negativity came from adults. Without going into too much detail. My mother rejected me, my step mother (now ex) would treat me like I was dirt and didn't fit in and my step aunty would constantly tell me I was ugly and that I would get fat. My mother would always tell me I needed to marry a rich man as if I would have no success on my own.

I remember one time I was writing a story for English class and my ex step mother read it, told me it was rubbish and that I couldn't write and she re did it. That stuck with me for years! 

High school came and I was bullied once but that didn't have much of an effect on me, it was a comment I got from a boy in science that destroyed me the most, he said I looked like a man. Which I know seems silly but I think people with low self esteem, things effect them more than they would other people. 

I wanted validation off someone, anyone that I wasn't completely worthless. I needed someone to show me in some way I wasn't. If I'm being truly honest with myself I think that's why I ended up pregnant with my eldest son. Which I know sounds insane and for the record he was a surprise but I felt I needed to be shown that someone wanted me and even though I was talentless, or stupid, or ugly. Someone, found me attractive so I must have a little bit of worth right? 

For the record, I love my eldest child and he pretty much saved me but he did come along because of my naivety.  

I think my self esteem was probably at it's lowest point by then. From then until now my esteem has been very low but it's not completely gone. Now I'm not suggesting in the slightest having children will fix it but for me personally it gave me a little bit of worth. I have my babies relying on me.

My adult life so far has pretty much had similar experiences and I've now realised my main problem is letting others opinions effect my view of myself. If I could stop caring what other's think or say then I would have no problem at all. But I guess that is easier said than done. 

I remember buying some new shoes that I totally loved and I walked outside with them on and someone comments on them being horrible. I was so upset and it really knocked my confidence. This wasn't actually too long ago. Not long after this comment, maybe a few weeks, someone else walked by in the same shoes and the same person who insulted them when I wore them, commented to this person how nice they were! Can you believe it?! 

My whole life I have, and still do, but not as much as I used to, listened to everyone's nasty comments, I took them as truth but this one example above just proved that the issue wasn't with me or in this case my shoes. The problem was with them!!

Now I hope this helps someone who is reading this, but from this experience I realised that it isn't about you, it is about the person putting you down or making you feel worthless. If we look into our low self esteem it all leads back to someone putting us down and continued from there. And what we haven't realised is maybe they aren't putting us down because they are right, maybe they are putting us down to make themselves feel of some worth?

Remember when your parents would tell you bullies were bullies because they had their own issues and it was a way of making them feel better about themselves? Well let me tell you, in most cases it is true and it continues into adult life. Bullies do not go away but what we need to do is repeatedly tell ourselves, 'it's not me, it's them.' We need to continue to remind our selves that we are worth something, we need to look at the positives in our lives, the people who do love us and try to focus on the good that they must see in us, or the good that got us the things that are great in our lives today.

If you have got this far reading this article I'm guessing you are thinking it is easier said than done and you are right. I myself still suffer but I am making tiny, tiny steps of progress. And come on that's better than nothing?! Surely it's worth a try. 

And I'm also guessing it will be mostly teens or adults who read this article. If you suffer with low self esteem or not at least take this from my post.....

The damage starts at a young age, we are not born feeling like this, when we are really little we believe we are the best at everything and can do everything. All until that person comes along and knocks us down. Don't be that someone who knocks others down. Be the person who lifts others up.

If we ourselves can start thinking and speaking more positively about others, we might just stop someone feeling completely worthless about themselves and hopefully in turn about ourselves. 

Don't be that nail in the coffin. 

If you are interested in more things than just my articles please check me out on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. 

Afternoon Tea Hilton Hotel Cloud 23 Manchester Review - Belated Birthday Gift.

'There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation.'
- Lin Yutang

Anyone who knows me, knows just how much I like a good cup of tea. I can't go a day without one, or five haha. So obviously if there is an opportunity to have a cup of tea in a place with an amazing view, then you've just got to do it! 

So that's brings us to my post. I guess this one is a mix of telling you about my day and a mini review. You'll probably get a review of my experience through the main post but I'll put some key things down towards the end. 

If you read my engagement post you'll know that I visited Cloud 23 back in February with my now fiancé. I obviously went on to tell friends and family about our night but one person in particular got a tad jealous haha, my Father. 

My Dad is really into photography, he has been doing it many years and for anyone who knows a photographer, you will know how much they love a photo opportunity and to my Dad being 23 floors up, looking across Manchester's city skyline, it was an opportunity he really wanted. So as his birthday was this month I thought I'd treat him to afternoon tea at the Hilton's Cloud 23 as a belated birthday present. 

I'm not someone that you would class as 'posh' so going to somewhere that is expensive (expensive to me anyway), I did get a tad anxious about visiting. The usual, what do I wear? Will I fit in? Will it look super obvious that I don't usually visit places like this? So I was pretty nervous about going.

My Dad and myself arrived at reception. I walked on over to ask where we go. A very nice man behind reception walked us to the lift that goes directly to floor 23 and wished us a good day.

Once on level 23, Cloud 23, we were again greeted by another lovely man who took our names and gave us a few options of where we would like to sit. It was nice being given the choice of view. He handed us the menu for the Afternoon Tea options and left us to it. 

It was pretty simple. We had 2 options, the Traditional Afternoon Tea or the Champagne one. Given I can no longer handle even one glass of bubbly since having my youngest son, we opted for the traditional.

The view was amazing, I don't think anyone can argue with that. I think the majority of the world looks pretty great from high up. 

As predicted my Dad soon pulled his camera out and started taking pictures. He was in his element. 

I was so pleased we were able to have a Father Daughter Date and celebrate his birthday. As most know I am pretty close to my Dad but it's usually just cups of tea at home and general chit chat. Having the opportunity to actually do something together is always great.

Our Afternoon Tea was brought to the table by a very friendly waiter, he went through each tier and explained what we were having. The tea was pretty nice too. 

The next 2 hours were as expected, talking, taking pictures, sipping tea and nibbling on our food. Over all it was a great day and a nice experience. My Dad was happy and to be honest that's all I wanted. 

Unfortunately I'm now going to get to the harsh but honest bits of the day.

Traditional Afternoon Tea at this particular Hilton was priced at £23 each (correct price on 18/04/2016) This did include unlimited hot drinks, there were different types of tea on offer, coffee and also regular hot chocolate and white hot chocolate. 

We received a selection of sandwiches -tuna, ham, cucumber & cream cheese, roasted pepper and a mushroom pastry, these were on the middle tier.

Bottom tier - jam, fruit scones and clotted cream.

Top tier - a rocky road dessert, a raspberry trifle and a banana bread. 

I'm going to sound super mean now but I am being honest. The sandwiches were simple but nice, although the mushroom pastry did seem stale. The scones were lovely, I don't like fruit scones but I picked out the fruit and ate them. Super yummy. The rocky road dessert I didn't try as I found a hair in it when I went to snap a bit off. The trifle was yummy but definitely could not of eaten a bigger one. Last but not least the banana bread was to die for. It was delicious and I'd love the recipe! 

The staff were so friendly, made us feel welcome and comfortable. They were happy to help and always provided us with a smile. I believe nice staff really make the difference whenever you go anywhere. Many times I have been somewhere and hated the food but because the staff were wonderful always left a nice tip. 

Speaking of tips! They did add a service charge. In the UK it is not common practice to add a service charge anywhere, unless there are more than 6 people dining. So I was not impressed when I went to pay the bill and it had been added to it although there were only 2 of us. 

Although I am far from rich, I am always generous with tips, if, someone provides great service and I've had a nice experience. Even though majority of people do not tip in the UK I nearly always do.

I bet you were wondering now why I'm complaining about a service charge when I tip anyway?

Well, it really annoyed me simply for the fact they have put a price on their service. Surely I should decide how much I think their service was worth? I don't know why they do this at this hotel but I wasn't happy. Is it because most people who eat or drink there are rich but tight with their money? Or is it simply just random Hilton policy?

If anyone is reading this and now wondering what the service charge was, it was 10%. 

I may have missed the note about this charge when booking but for the record I'd of tipped more than the 10% but expecting the tip just annoyed me and if I'm honest ruined it a little bit. 


It was a wonderful experience, the staff were awesome, you definitely are paying for the view not the food and the service charge annoyed me.

Would I go again? Probably not.

Did I regret going? Not at all, just to see that view does make it worth going at least once and my Dad had a great time so over all I was a happy girly! 

Not the most exciting blog post but it was an experience I wanted to share and also review. Thanks for reading and now I'm off to make myself a cup of tea ;) 

If you are interested in more things than just my articles please check me out on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. 

Saturday, 16 April 2016

I'm Back!

'Sometimes you need to distance yourself to see things clearly.'
- Unknown

I'm back! So I vanished for almost a month simply because I've had a nightmare with laptops and it's pretty hard to blog from a phone. Anyway I'm back online and will be working on a few posts over the next few days.

I guess the quote above doesn't really cover my vanishing act simply because I kind of didn't have a choice but the quote still stands. Sometimes you do need to distance yourself, whether it's through choice or forced.

In my case it was forced but at the same time I haven't really been in the best frame of mind to blog. I'm been really up and down lately. Had some great days (which I will be posting about) and also some bad days (which I'm not sure yet whether I'll write about).

Lately I've been struggling to work out where I, Charlotte, fit in. I am a Mother, a daughter, a friend, a sister, a granddaughter but I didn't really feel like I'm just Charlotte. I don't really feel like I do anything just for me. During my month break from blogging I have realised that sometimes you need to be selfish and take time for you.

So hopefully I will start taking time for myself and maybe I'll blog about it.

Anyway if anyone missed me, I am now back and will give myself a well needed kick up the bottom to get back to work. 

Look out for new posts very soon! 

P.S It is so good being able to have a working computer again! 

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Who Is Anti C Section?

'To witness the birth of a child is our best opportunity to experience the meaning of the word miracle.'
- Paul Carvel

Now I'm fully aware I am a little late on the band wagon for this one but this morning I saw a post on Facebook, shared by a friend about c-sections. 

Above is the post that I saw. Now I know the wording of this post is a little odd but you get the idea. C-section Mother's are proud of their scars. I have seen very similar posts like this before and didn't really think anything of it (probably why I'm a little late writing about it).

But today I thought who are these people that don't believe a woman is really a Mother if she didn't give birth 'naturally'? 

I think the reason I dismissed these posts in the past where because I thought, and I will offend, who are these attention seekers that have decided people don't think they are real mothers?

I honestly just thought it was attention seekers wanting a pat on the back for giving birth via c section. Yes I sound harsh saying that but I'm just telling the truth.

I have never thought, 'oh you had a c section, well you aren't a real mother then.' Seriously who would think that?! 

To me a Mother doesn't even need to give birth to a child to be a Mother! So who cares if baby arrived into the world via the birth canal or was cut out of the uterus? 

In my eyes a baby is a miracle no matter what. And I think it is an amazing process of how a baby is created. If you are a mother (biologically or not), look at your child, children now! At some point they were just a tiny little tadpole (sperm haha) and an egg. That's what they were in the beginning. That tiny they can't be seen by the naked eye and now look at them, they are wriggling, running, jumping around in front of you! So who cares how they exited the body, all that matters is they are here now, making your world that little bit brighter!  

You are a Mother because you cared/care for your child. You protect them, love them, would kill or die for them if it came to it. And I thought nobody cared about how they arrived but it appears I may be wrong. Now I say may as I'm still a little unsure. 

After a little research I found out that apparently the people who have caused this uproar are members of a church called, Disciples of the New Dawn. 

I will be honest though it was difficult to actually find their site. I did a quick Google of the name, did not mention c section in my search and almost all the links were to news sites, blogs, websites talking about them and their views. I didn't actually find them, the Disciples of the New Dawn, saying themselves this was how they felt about c section.

Some sites said that this church believed you were going to hell for having a c section. I even went onto the images section of the search and here are a couple of examples of what I found. 

None of these images were linked to the website of Disciples of the New Dawn website though. They were from new sites and websites unrelated.

During my time digging I did however find a Facebook page for them. But after reading it I did think, 'this is a load of rubbish.' I did not get the impression this was a religious group, it just came across as some huge troll wanting attention and succeeding. 

So I'm calling bull crap. I don't believe there is a church saying these things but if I am wrong and you have proof otherwise I honestly would love to see it. I will happily hold my hands up if I am wrong. I did find their actual website and couldn't find any information about c-sections. 

In conclusion, so long as we love a child unconditionally, care for them, provide for them and protect them then we are Mothers. No need to argue about how these children came into the world, they are all miracles no matter what.