Friday, 27 February 2015

World Book Day 2015 Character Idea's

'The more you read, the more things you know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.' 
- Dr Seuss

Parents, get to the panic stations! It's almost World Book Day! The time of year we panic last minute trying to find a costume for our children. Some parents are so much more prepared than the rest of us. Some are lucky enough to have a huge dress up box and just pull something out of that. If you are like me, yet again, even though it happens every year, you have forgotten! 

I only realized yesterday that it was World Book Day next week, and every year my school dress up. So I now have to rush around attempting to come up with an outfit for my two children. 

Now to start with, save yourself some trouble. It may sound harsh, but do not ask your children what they want to dress up as haha. They will no doubt either pick a character you have never heard of or a character with a very complicated and expensive costume!

Remember to pick a character that was actually from a book first! I mean it's totally up to you, but I don't think film characters (who didn't originate from a book) and comic book characters count. Pick a classic

Be a little different, if you can think back to last year's world book day, what was a common outfit? They usually stay very similar each year. Also think which film is very popular lately and majority of children will dress up as them characters, even though it wasn't a book first. *cough* Frozen *cough* You can bet there will be many Elsa's this year. 

Cheating tip. Still have Halloween costumes? I'm thinking 'Winnie the Witch' or maybe pull out the skeleton costume and be a character from 'Funny Bones'.

Last but not least, you do not have to spend a fortune, get creative. Have a look around the house what clothes and accessories you already have. You could even get the paints out this weekend and make some masks of characters with the children. Make it fun! Make them feel part of it. Pinterest is great for ideas of DIY costumes

Below I have made a list of characters to give you a little inspiration. 

  • Horrid Henry
  • Mr Men or Little Miss - get painting a cupboard cut out to hang over normal clothes?
  • Fantastic Mr Fox
  • The Cat in the Hat
  • Tin tin 
  • Alice in Wonderland, including Mad Hatter, White Rabbit, Queen of Hearts?
  • Peter Pan, including Tinkerbell, Captain Hook, Wendy?
  • Pippi Longstocking 
  • Nancy Drew
  • Harry Potter
  • Oliver
  • BFG
  • Thing 1 and Thing 2
  • Matilda 
  • Charlotte's Web - Dress up as a spider?
  • Narnia, including White Witch, Prince Caspian, Peter, Lucy, Edmund?
  • Charlie and Lola
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • Wizard of Oz, including Scarecrow, Dorothy, Tin Man
  • Where's Wally?
  • Rapunzel
  • Princess and the Pea
  • Red Riding Hood
  • The Elves and the Shoemaker
  • Jack and the Beanstalk 
  • The Famous Five

Hope some of the above idea's were of some use! Good Luck Parents! 

My Children as Artful Dodger and Snow White


Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Kanye West BRITs 2015 Rant!

Just a quick one but feel very strongly about this. The N word needs to vanish, be gone forever. It is not needed in today's society, it is offensive and not necessary.

I'm probably going to get shot down for this but I'm sick to death of the N word, it's classed as offensive so it should just be banned completely!

I don't get how it makes a difference of whether or not it's offensive depending on what colour the skin of the person saying it is. It just needs to vanish.

And flipping Kanye West, doing a song called, 'N**** in Paris'? And performing, 'All Day' which is just lyrics full of the word! Get a grip man, you are straight there attacking people who say it, yet encourage it by putting it in your music. You are a complete hypocrite and fool! We are trying to eradicate racism and this man is just dragging us back by centuries! 

Oh and just to make it worse he gave his designer friend (who happens to be white) a 'N word pass', as if the guy couldn't get any more self-indulgent he now feels he has the right to give permission on who is allowed to use this offensive term.

Look up the dictionary definition yourself, it states it is offensive, it does not specify that it isn't offensive if said by a person with black skin. 

We are all human, we should all love each other and get along. Not segregate each other by allowing a word to be said by some but not others. 

Ban the N word throughout the world. I don't care what your background is, what your race is, if you are rich or poor, we are all equal! 

Okay rant over :) 

Single Parents. To Date or Not to Date? That is the Question.

'The most difficult part of dating as a single parent is deciding how much risk your own child's heart is worth.' 
-Dan Pearce 

Why I am writing about this particular subject? Well recently I was told that I was 'lucky' someone was dating me considering I have 2 children from a previous relationship. This made me really mad. Lucky? Am I a charity case? Am I worthless because I have 2 children and I am no longer with the father? Being a single parent does not make you worse or any better than a woman without children. Both situations have there pros and cons. Same goes for men with children or without them. 

You could be a single person with no children and be one of the most selfish, self centred, dumb people in the world. Just because you don't have children doesn't make you all high and mighty. You could also be a single person with children and be just like that. Kids do not make you who you are as a person, if anything they just reveal more about your character. 

I understand there are hard things when it comes to dating a single parent, juggling time for each other, childcare, getting to know the children, having to see if you get on with the mother/father as well as the kids. You do have more people to think about and a lot more to analyse when deciding, is this relationship going to work? But at the same time that single parent needs to ask them same questions about you. 

Just because someone has children doesn't mean they will bow down at your feet because a single person without children has shown an interest. You could be a complete jerk. Single parents are allowed to be just as 'picky' as individuals without children.

So I decided to do a little research, find out what the current views are on dating single parents and what was my result? It wasn't pretty. Mainly from men, which I was disappointed in because I am forever defending men (that's for a different article though). 

Some of the opinions I came across were pretty harsh, 'All single mothers sleep around and are too dumb to use protection!' That was a harsh one, another said that, '...single parents are just out to get your money...' Lovely stereotypes of single parents. They are all money grabbers, who love to sleep around and are too dumb to use protection. I'm sure that's what happened to all the people who became parents after marriage and then for a number of reasons became single, whether it was divorce or the partner dying. You can't group everyone together, it's just not fair. Also you have failed contraception, that happens often and then mix that with anti-abortion views. Why should these children suffer because of either accidents or just mistakes their parents may have made? 

Okay so I could go on for hours about this topic but I won't instead I'll stick with what I originally planned on doing. Pros and cons of dating a single parent (male or female).

Side note - Whilst researching, there were 1000's of videos and articles saying don't date single mothers, really really struggled to find articles about not dating single dads. Usually I'm all for sticking up for men but in this case, I'm on the woman's side. It takes 2 to tango, for every single mother there is a single dad, whether they are in contact with the child or not. 

Remember - There will always be an exception, everybody is different but I would like to at least throw a few positives out there. Considering the world has the highest number of single parents than ever. Sometimes you need to open your mind and consider the alternatives. 

I'll start with the cons. Some may only relate to mothers, some may relate to both. 


1. Past partners - meaning the father or mother of the child whose parent you are dating. They could have a huge impact on your new relationship. Could cause drama or problems.

2. Childcare - In some cases the single parent has the child full time because the other parent is completely absent. Finding babysitters so you can go out on a date can be an issue.

3. Child may resent you - this depends on the single parent, any decent one would end the relationship if it was such a huge issue with the child. I know for one I would. But if the relationship continued this can be a problem.

4. Discipline - How a child is disciplined may not be what you agree with, this is not your child so you don't really have a say other than walk away. If you are in a relationship with a single parent who you do not agree with how they discipline their child then you should walk away, it will make you uncomfortable and if you were to have future children with this person it could cause problems. 

5. Cost - If you end up in a serious relationship with a single parent it may cost you more than dating someone without kids. If it got serious you may start to treat the child or buy presents for him/her. That is obviously your call. In some cases you may come across a single parent expecting you to provide completely for their child, then I suggest you reassess the situation. 


1. See their true colours - Being a single parent it is hard to hide a lot of your character, you tend to show your true colours sooner as you haven't got the energy to play games and hide things (obviously this isn't always the case). So dating a single parent you get the chance to see how they are with children, if they are selfish, how they would care for a home if you were to end up together. This is a bit of a bonus compared to a person without children. 

2. Knows the value of money - Having a child and providing for another human being usually is a strain on money, as they have to provide for a child along with things for themselves. A lot of single parents are used to budgeting so value money a lot more. This could be a bonus for you, save you a fortune as they will be considerate of your finances and appreciate things a lot more. They were providing for their child long before you came along. 

3. Handy skills - Caring for another life means you need to know a few things. Usually single parents are great with cleaning, organizing, cooking, washing. They have to do it as nobody else will. So enjoy the yummy home cooked meals you'll be getting. A lot of people without children can only just about make a pot noodle! (I know this isn't always the case, but higher chance of them knowing these things.)

4. Loving and caring - As a mother myself I am loving and caring towards my children as it is expected and I want to be that way. So you begin to realize how important love and affection is to another person and it comes easier if you are already showing that day in and day out. 

5. Kids are cool - Okay this one sounds silly but majority of us still have that inner child, we still like to do fun child things, play games, watch cartoons, get back on that indoor play area (only time adults get to go on them is to save their child, use that excuse!). Some kids are cool to be around, you never know you could become good friends with a child and you also have that little sidekick to go to see the latest Disney film in the cinema or visit a farm without looking like the creepy person with no kids haha. 

At the end of the day relationships all depend on whether the two main parties click or not. But don't rule someone out just because they have children. In today's society we have a lot of single parents, both male and female and if you limit yourself to only dating a person without kids, you could just well be missing out on your one true love. Who knows.

Couple of tips for dating if you are either with or without kids.

Do NOT introduce your children so soon to a new partner. It will just mess with the child's mind if things do not work out. 

Pay attention to those real red flags! If the discipline you witness towards a child is completely against what you believe, walk away, seriously just walk. You won't be able to change the person. 

If you believe the person is just after money or just after some 'action' then just don't waste your time. Too many gold diggers and players. 

If they have children but do not have contact with them, find out why. It could be a huge warning sign. 

Other than that, remember your worth and enjoy dating!

Who wouldn't want us? ;) 

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Bucket List! Things to do Before I Die.

'I don't want to survive, I want to live!'
- Captain, WALL-E

We all have dreams and goals. Everyone does, no matter how small or big. No matter what our background is, how rich we are, where we come from, we all have things we want to do before we die.

Some things are inspirational goals, life changing, some are silly little things, but they are important to us. We all have them. Some people will have similar wishes to others, some will have different. But either way we all have one thing in common, we want to live.

The quote at the top of this article is from one of my favorite films (I cry every single time I watch it). I think it is a brilliant quote, it is said not too long after the Captain of the ship realizes what is out there, what things he could do with his life, he has wishes, dreams, things to do before he dies. Even WALL-E has a wish, just to hold EVE's hand (just too cute). 

What is the point in just surviving? Yes, I'm aware to some people that is their only option, to survive, but even they have dreams on how they wish to live. 'I don't want to survive, I want to live!' Make the most out of your life! Do you really want to be on your death bed, looking back at your life and thinking, is that it? Is that all I did? Will you be satisfied? Will you have truly lived? 

Now I have a huge bucket list, so I won't bore you with them all will just put down maybe 20, yes 20, that's a nice number. I have completed about a quarter of my full bucket list, so I have a long way to go but hey every journey starts with a single step. Hope you like my list, maybe it will give you a few ideas for your own. If you want to let me know a few you already have, feel free to comment with them. 

Remember - Some of my listed things may seem super lame but hey maybe one day I will write a post about why I added it to the list ;) 

1.  Visit the Maldives 
2.  Kiss at the top of a ferris wheel 
3.  Visit Las Vegas (I have to go to the Harley Davidson cafe!) 
4.  Go to Russia
5.  Flash someone! 
6.  Win money in a casino - CHECK (There is a good story behind this one) 
7.  Visit Iceland (No not the supermarket!) 
8.  Kiss someone because they are Irish - CHECK (Everyone should do this!)
9.  Go to the Empire State building on Valentines day! 
10. Steal a street sign - CHECK (I was a stupid teen, stole a few traffic cones too!)
11. Learn to ballroom dance (It just looks fun.)
12. Fly a plane - CHECK (It was totally amazing, I really recommend)
13. Take a homeless person out for dinner (I have given food and money to never done this)
14. Be in a protest - CHECK (Will give you the details on this another time)
15. Drive down Route 66
16. Go skinny dipping! 
17. Pay for a strangers groceries - CHECK 
18. Visit Area 51 (It's just got to be done.) 
19. Throw a drink in someones face! (I would only do it if they deserved it! haha)
20. Build a giant sand castle (I will make sure I get this one done this year!)

The protest I was in, that's me holding the sign. Don't you like my scarf :)

Is it Still Classed as a Treat if it's on a Budget?

'A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.
-Dave Ramsey

Believe it or not there was a time in my adult working life where I didn't need to worry about money. I would think nothing of paying over £100 for a party dress I would wear for only one night. I didn't think about how much my lunch meals added up to over the year, I didn't worry about the money that just appeared to vanish from my account. I would randomly buy gifts for others without thinking about when my next pay day was. I was an idiot! 

In my defense I was young and foolish. When you go from being at college with only £30 a week for bus fares and spends, to having more money than you had seen at one time in your life, popping up on your bank balance, you just don't care. All you can think about is what can I spend it on! 

I look back now and really regret it, I'd of had a nice little nest egg by now if I had budgeted my money better. But hey we all make mistakes! 

So now I am older and wiser (well a tiny bit wiser), I try to watch the pennies a little more, don't always succeed but I try my best. I'm sure you have already guessed I am no longer in the position where I can blow a fortune on a new dress. All my money goes on children, bills and food! A treat to me is a new pair of jeans from Primark haha. 

I have realized though that you still need treats in your life. I see so many articles about being frugal and I am all for it in certain areas of life, but some people go to the extreme and I just couldn't live like that to be honest. I get down if I feel I haven't treated myself and my family once in a while. But you can still have a treat on a budget. It's all about mindset! 

How you look at things is so important! Unfortunately I know many people who stick their noses up at using coupons or choosing the lunch menu at a restaurant, because it is cheaper. I am ashamed to admit this but I was one of them people about 7 years ago. Things soon change.

Now I have a few more years under my belt, I have learnt to look at things differently. Why does a treat or luxury have to cost a fortune? Why can't a bargain or a discount still be a treat! 

Going back to the lunch menu at a restaurant, why is the dinner menu more of a treat? Are you still sat in the exact same restaurant that the dinner menu people will be spending more money in later? Yes, it's the same restaurant, it's not going to magically change appearance within the next few hours.

Are the staff treating you exactly the same way as they will treat the dinner people? Yes because it's their job, they still need to provide good customer service and still hope for a tip. 

Are you still getting the same quality of food in the lunch menu? Yes. You are, you don't pull out the value supermarket food just because it's lunch time. Okay so the menu is different from the dinner menu, there are some things not available at lunch time but it doesn't mean the quality of food is lower. 

So you are in the exact same restaurant, being treated exactly the same by staff, eating exactly the same quality of food as you would in the evening. Only bonus is, it's cheaper! You are saving the pennies, and sometimes you can save quite a bit. 

Just because it costs less, doesn't mean it isn't a treat, just remember that. Look for the positives in the situation. I promise it's how you look at the situation to whether or not it is a treat! 

On a side note -

It was recently Valentines day and a few days later it was the dreaded school holidays! Valentines and the school holidays you try to throw a treat or two in there don't you? So I looked around for restaurants in the Manchester area and started to compare prices, any lunch offers etc. In the end we settled on a place called 'Red Hot World Buffet & Bar'. My sister and my Nan had been there before so it stood out to me, they both said they enjoyed it and it had a huge range of food. I thought perfect! The other half should be able to find something he likes to eat and my oh so fussy children should have no issues either. 

The difference in price from lunch time to evening was, on the Saturday £5 difference and on the weekday for the children's treat, a difference of £7! Now I know it my not sound like much but all that money does add up! 

We all enjoyed it, great food, nice staff and the same great restaurant as the evening diners would be sat in! ;) 

So remember it's all about your mindset to whether or not you can still have a treat on a budget! 

Monday, 23 February 2015

My First Kiss...

'We all have such high expectations of our first kiss, but we are soon disappointed.' 
- Charlotte Dakota

I'm unsure if every person thought so much about their first kiss, but I know I did. As a little girl reading or hearing about all the different fairy tales out there. How important and magical a kiss was, it put so much pressure on you! But you still wanted it to be just perfect!

You'd tell yourself, one day I will be old and looking back on my life and remember my first kiss, and it will be amazing. 

Fail! Complete and utter lie, well it was for me. To begin with, because I had such high expectations of it, I also put a lot of pressure on myself for when it happened. I needed it to be just right, like in all the movies.

It would be the perfect setting, a tall dark handsome male, and the kiss would stop the Earth from spinning and in that moment it would be just me and him. Nobody else would matter, nothing else would matter because at that time, it would all be about two people who were so crazy about each other, they wanted nothing more than their lips to meet. 

Now yes I know that sounds super cheesy and lame, but I know I'm not the only girl out there with this expectation of their first kiss. We all dream of that fairy tale. And if you deny it, then I don't believe you. I can't possibly be the only girl in the world who thought like this, if I was, then we wouldn't have all these romantic movies portraying the perfect kiss.

Back to reality. From a young age I had this image in my head of how it would all be, but then I had the biggest worry any young girl could have. What if I do it wrong?! What if we both tilt our heads the same way? Do we just keep it as a peck or do we use tongues like the older teens do? What if my mouth is too dry, or too wet? Maybe I'll have bad breath? Do I go in for the kiss first or does he? Eyes open or eyes closed? Just too many questions and worries for one young girl to handle! 

Anyone who knows me, will know how much I over think things and how worried I get. Unfortunately this has not changed since growing up, I am just the same. I always let fear get the better of me. 

Thinking back to when I was in year 3 (age about 7 years old), the older kids in the school got a few of us young ones to play, 'boys catch the girls and kiss them'. I was 7, so obviously it's not really something that you think about much, but was still old enough to have a little crush on someone and mine was a boy called James in my class. 
He was playing the game too, so I ran and ran and ran. I wasn't ready to be kissed! I was too young and too scared. But he caught me! Right against this wall and what did I do? I burst into tears, completely sobbed! I had the chance to have a kiss off my crush but I bottled it and cried! Looking back, it was for the best, I was only 7!

Fast forward from then to age 13. I still had not been kissed and I still had all them same worries and questions. I felt like I was never going to have that moment. I know some will think 13 is still young, and looking back now I agree it is, but at the time all the other kids were kissing! I was called lots of names for not ever being kissed. It was hard, no teenager wants people laughing at them! 

So I had recently joined the Air Cadets, loved it, it was brilliant and I would suggest any teen or parent with a teen, sent them to Air Cadets. That's a different story though, will come back to that another time. 

I loved the Air Cadets and on this particular weekend we are doing a practice run for our Duke of Edinburgh. We were in the Derbyshire Dales, it was beautiful. We all had a great time hiking, were all completely shattered but still had that little bit of energy. Come dinner time we were all taken into the small town of Bakewell. It was such a cute little place and most of us got chippy and split off into groups, just to have a wander around the town. I was with my best ginger friend, Jamie (who I love so dearly) and a posh guy called Edward, he was kinda funny but more in a laugh at, rather than laugh with kind of way. Nice guy. 

It was dark by now and the temperature was dropping. Like a normal teenage girl I was not dressed for the weather. I had a super thin, waterproof jacket on. It literally provided no warmth at all. I was freezing! Then one of the older cadets came over chatting, noticed I was cold and told me to go for a walk as it would warm me up. So I did. 

Okay pause for a moment, we are getting to the actual story of my first kiss now. What I am telling you is all true but I will have to change his name for privacy reasons I guess. Plus don't really want to get in trouble for writing about him haha. So we shall call him Chris, it's a common name, could be anyone. Oh but if you were interested, he's happily married now :) Isn't that lovely? 

Back to the story, so I'm walking. Bakewell is a beautiful little town, even more beautiful at night. Now this will sound made up but honestly it's really not, it was this perfect. It was a crisp, clear night. You could see the stars in the sky, it was chilly but not windy or wet. It was just a perfect night. I had a wander around the village and came to a bridge over a river. It was dark but there were fairy lights from what I think was a nearby restaurant. There were still come ducks in the water even though it was dark. The river was flowing so gently. It was perfect. It was the setting you have seen time and time again in all the romantic films. You could not have chosen a better setting. But in this moment I had no idea I was about to have my first kiss. 

I stood for a few minutes admiring how beautiful this setting was. I thought this is the silver lining to being freezing. I wouldn't have come to this place otherwise. It was just stunning. So as I stood taking it all in, someone came up behind me. Now this is the point where anyone thinks, 'oh my goodness, I knew it couldn't be this perfect, I'm about to be attacked'. That's what went through my head anyway haha. But no I was fine, it was only Chris, the older cadet who had suggested I take the walk to warm up. I turned to face him, and he didn't give me chance, didn't even speak to me. He just went straight in for the kill! He planted a big kiss on my lips, teeth hitting each other it was that hard. Oh no! This was my first kiss? This! I was in the perfect setting, the setting any girl in the world would dream to be in for their first kiss and this is what happens, with someone I didn't even want to kiss! Gutted, that is the only word I really have for it, totally gutted! 

What happened next was just a repeat in the history of my life, I cried and ran. I seem to do that a lot. Just to make it worse, a few of the other girl cadets came out of nowhere to see what had happened. I was so embarrassed, I would never live this down. 

That was my first kiss, so close to being perfect, yet it fell flat on its face. One thing I did learn from it though is, even the older ones don't always know how to kiss. ;) Over the years I realized that everyone is different, nobody really kisses the same way. I should never have worried. If I could go back to my younger self, I would tell her, don't panic. It isn't always perfect, just go with the flow and see where it takes you. I guess you just end up kissing a few frogs until you find that person who kisses you just right. That person who makes the world stop spinning in that moment you connect. 

Hope you enjoyed reading about my first kiss. I love first kiss stories, so many are totally awkward, that's what makes them so fun to hear about! 

Feel free to 'like' my page on Facebook Charlotte Dakota's Blog Facebook

Me age 13. No wonder I hadn't been kissed! 

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Quotes and Photos! Part 1

I love quotes, can't get enough of them. I find them so inspirational and when you are in a hard place, they always seem to be able to lift your spirits or give you that kick up the bum you need!

Another thing I love is great photographs. Now I am not a photographer, I can see something and know what I want, but can never capture an image just right. It must not be a trait that I got from my Dad, as he is very talented when it comes to taking a great photo. Just like my Granddad (my Dad's, Dad), he was a fantastic photographer too! 

So although I don't have a way with words, so I am unable to create a quote that will go on for years to come. And I'm no good with a camera. I can still appreciate and enjoy a great quote and a great photo. 

Please enjoy the below images and quotes, just as I have. 

(Photographs are all my Dad's work, the quotes are by whoever it says at the end)

Feel free to 'like' my page on Facebook Charlotte Dakota's Blog Facebook

10 Tips for a Happier Relationship!

Once we become comfortable in a relationship we start to let things go. We show our grumpy side a little more, start to nag a little more and sometimes take for granted the things the other person does.

I am more than guilty of this, unfortunately looking back on past relationships I have done all the wrong things, just a little too many times. 

For people who know me I can be grumpy and I can nag, a lot (think I get that from my Nan). But as none of us are perfect, I try not to judge myself too much on these things and instead try to make changes. 

The relationship I am currently in, I have tried my best to stick to these tips I am about to suggest. Now I haven't always managed to stick by them, I've had the odd slip ups but I have tried. It's still early days but coming up to two years, so must be doing something right? If you fail, just try again. The one you love will be more forgiving than you think. It's never too late to start trying things to make your relationship happier and run more smoothly.

We all have our own roles to play when it comes to a partnership. We all have different things we do. Some stay at home and care for the children, while the other works. Some couples both work and try to split housework and childcare between them. Some have no children and just have to care for each other. No matter what roles you each play in your relationships, you can both learn from and adapt the following tips to suit you!  

Now the following tips may seem a little random. They don't seem to have things in common, but trust me they will make a difference, whether it's in a small way or a big way.

1. Close the door when you pee! 

Seriously why leave the door open when you are peeing, nobody wants to see that! You wouldn't have done it when you first started dating, so why now? Maybe this one is just me, maybe the rest of the world like seeing the other one pee. Your fetishes are your business, but I personally don't think being 'sexy' and peeing mix together. Keep some mystery in your relationship! Haha 

2. Date Night!

Short and sweet. Date night, have one, make one! Making time for just you and your partner to spend together and have fun is so important! Check out my article 'The Importance of Date Night'. I personally think this is a super important tip for a successful relationship, if you choose to ignore all the other tips I suggest, just make sure you take on this one! 

3. Compliment Each other!

Complimenting each other sounds like such an easy bit of advice to take on. But unfortunately we are surrounded by so much negativity in our day to day lives, that sometimes we bring all them bad things into our homes. We become more and more negative. Your other half may have washed the pots, cleaned the kitchen floor and finished all the washing, but rather than notice all them things, instead you choose to point out that they haven't finished dinner and you are hungry. If you can just try at the very, VERY least to compliment your partner at least once a day! Compliments put people in great moods, you like people who compliment you and you want to give them more reasons to compliment you, so why not compliment your partner? You never know, they might just love it and choose to give you more reasons to compliment them. 

4. Be Grateful! 

Very simple, be grateful! Be thankful for the things your loving spouse does for you, whether it's big things like painting the whole living room for you after you asked, or whether it's the small things like picking up wet towels from the bathroom floor! Notice all the good things in your relationship and realize how blessed you are to have each other. 

5. Don't Go to Bed Angry! 

This little bit of advice has been around for like, forever! I have heard it from so many people, and also heard that it has kept a lot of relationships going. Just do not go to bed angry, make up before you do. Sharing a bed with someone who you are upset with can be one of the loneliest feelings in the world. And also you will lose sleep! Not many people get a good nights rest when they are upset or angry with someone they love. So if you have an argument before bed, try and make up, you will sleep better and wake up friends! Both huge bonuses.

6. Get Over It! 

Now nobody is perfect, nobody! So each and every one of us has them few annoying little things that we do. One of the things I do is use lots of different cups for my cups of tea, instead of just reusing the one I first had! And a common one for men is leaving the toilet seat up! Haha. Now that I've mentioned that, I bet you are now thinking of the annoying little things you and your other half do. When don't, just get over it! Is it really that big a deal? Is it worth the negativity and upset? 

Now my partner lives a long way a way, it's hard but still great (that's all for a different article). Anyway he came up last weekend and he always leaves the toilet seat up. It doesn't really bother me, I try to take my own advice and just get over it. But on the Saturday night, I'm guessing he had been the last person to pee, I got up in the middle of the night. Half asleep, struggling to see where I was going, the light from the bathroom hurting my eyes. So I was bursting for a pee, half asleep whilst walking to the bathroom with my eyes half shut. I quickly turn around, pull my pants down and sit down. What happens? I fall straight into the toilet! He'd left the seat up! Now I don't have the world's smallest bum, but it's not huge either, so I just fell completely into the toilet! Straight away I was ready for waking him up and telling him off but then I thought, this is actually pretty funny and it's not like he did it on purpose. So I left it. Now if he reads this article it will be the first he's hearing about this!
So what's the advice again? Let me hear you say it. Get over it! 

7. Look After Yourself!

I know we can't look super hot all the time, we can only manage our normal hot selves. But try! Look after yourself, it's not hard. Be clean, nobody likes a smelly person. Brush your hair. Men, maybe just have a shave now and then. Ladies, how about a little lipstick before he comes home from work? Believe it or not we all do notice the little changes. It will make you feel better about yourself, and your partner will get to see that little bit sexier version of you! Maybe you'll even get an extra kiss or two for it! ;)

8. Treat Them How You Want to Be Treated!

This goes for everyone. I am a strong believer in this, not just in relationships but in everyday life. Everyone you come across. Treat people how you want to be treated! It's really simple. Do you want the one you love, constantly mentioning the tiny things you have forgotten to do? No. You don't. So don't do it to them. Do you want them to be more affectionate towards you? Yes! Well you be more affectionate towards them! It's not rocket science! Be nice! :)

9. Use Your Friends!

Now when I say use your friends, I obviously don't mean use them in a mean way, or gain goods from them. I mean use them to talk to. Sometimes there are just things your partner just doesn't want to hear about. Ladies, do you think he wants to know about how painful or heavy your time of the month is? No does he heck! He's a man! So moan about that to your girlfriends, they will no doubt moan to you about the same things. Guys, do you have a super gross joke to tell about potty humor and deep down you know the Mrs really isn't interested? Well go tell your male friends, no doubt they will find it extra funny. 

10. Snuggle!

Last but definitely not least. Snuggle! Show each other affection, be close to each other, cuddle! Cuddling is proven to help deepen your relationship! Also it can boost your immune system, help relieve pain, and can obviously lead to more ;)  So there is no reason for you not to take this bit of advice!

Hope you enjoyed reading my little relationship tips and hopefully you are able to introduce them into your current lives. If you already do these things, then fantastic and I hope you continue to have a happy and successful life together. If you don't do these things, just give them a try. What's the worse that could happen? 

Feel free to 'like' my page on Facebook Charlotte Dakota's Blog Facebook

Saturday, 21 February 2015

The Importance of Date Night!

We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it.

I am not a relationship expert. I don't know everything about love. I am not perfect and I do not have all the answers. But I do know a few things from learning by my past mistakes and things I have noticed throughout my short, little life, when observing my own relationships and seeing from the outside, other relationships. 

I've noticed that once in a relationship we get lost in our day to day lives and sometimes need a little kick up the bum to get back to maintaining our relationships.

I love, love, love the quote by John Lennon at the top of this article. It's perfect for describing love or relationships. I think some times we take it for granted, what we have.

In the beginning, when we first start dating some one new, we make sure we are showing that other person the best of us. We pick clothes that look nice, make us look pretty or handsome. We do our hair, whether it's blow drying it or taking a trip to the barbers. We wear perfume or aftershave. We shave our legs, or trim our beard (obviously depending on which sex you are or whatever floats your boat haha). We put effort in to appear on the outside the best we can appear.

We act a certain way, showing the best side of our manners when first dating. We try to remember to say please and thank you, open doors, pull out chairs, smile as much as we can.

We show the best side of our personalities, tell the other about our hobbies or interests. Exciting things we have done in our lives, what we do for a living, or maybe even future plans and goals. And we listen to what the other person has to say.

It all boils down to showing the best of you! In the beginning we all do it. 

Now think about it from the other side. When you first started dating, did you show up on the first date with your hair a mess, scruffy clothes, smelling awful, whilst going on about how bad your day was and how angry you are at such a thing. Followed by forgetting manners and maybe even letting out wind at the table?  No did you heck start your current successful relationship like that! Because come on, if you are being true to yourself do you think you would have even got a second date if that's how you acted?!?!?! 

But unfortunately once you are in that serious relationship or marriage, all the above things, both good and bad tend to blend in together. And then mix that all with day to day lives of going to work, paying bills, cleaning, cooking, looking after kids, getting upset or hormonal. Arguing about money, just generally having a bad day and sometimes taking it out on the ones we love. 

Now I know the odd person will say, no my life isn't like that, we treat each other best we can everyday. But come on, both you and I know that is one big fat lie! Nobody is perfect, nobody has the perfect relationship and as much as you try to make it look like the most perfect relationship ever on Facebook or Twitter etc. You have none of us fooled. We all know you have your bad days. And guess what? That is perfectly fine and normal and natural. But hey if you do come across this unicorn of a relationship please write a book for us all to learn from :D 

Relationships need work, we love one another but sometimes we forget to show it and we get lost in the craziness of day to day life, but do not hate yourself for it, it's okay. So you are a little bit late watering the 'plant of love'. It's okay, you can make that change from today. 

So the whole point of me going on with myself in this particular article was the importance of date night! I strongly suggest you put aside one day or evening a month (at least), for just you and your other half.

Now the rules of date night are simple, a little bit of effort, but simple. All you need to do is prepare yourself, every date night, as if it was your first date! 

Make yourself look gorgeous! Get out your best outfit, do your hair, do your make up! Pull out the special occasion perfume or aftershave. And for goodness sake shave your legs! Haha You never know, you could get lucky? ;) 

Now you have made yourself look totally fabulous and you have come down the stairs to your other half gob smacked at how extra gorgeous you look tonight, all you need to do is go and enjoy yourself.

Obviously where you choose to go on date night is totally up to you but remember, have fun! No negativity allowed! And above all else, remind your other half just how much you do love them!

Remember - Date night is important, you need to water that plant of love! ;) 

Feel free to 'like' my page on Facebook Charlotte Dakota's Blog Facebook

Simple Food Shopping Tips to Save the Pennies! Continued...

       'Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.'

This is just a continuation from my previous article about food shopping tips. I know a lot of the tips may seem like simple thing to most of us. And no doubt many of us already do these things, but if you are one of these people that do follow most of these tips, just think back to shopping trips you have been on and any people you have noticed who just pick up the first thing they see, or just fill the shopping trolley without even thinking! 

After a lot of nagging from my wonderful Nan, I was forced into watching 'Junk Food Kids', which is a television documentary that has recently aired on Channel 4 in the UK. So I logged onto catch up and finally watched the program last night. I was horrified! Mainly because of how these parents were bringing up their children, but that's a different story. 

Back to topic. There was a Mother on the show being followed around by camera crews and in one scene she was off to the local supermarket with her children, to do the weekly shop. The first thing she went for was the ready made sandwiches, sushi, salads etc. She picked up a sandwich for her son and a packet of sushi for her daughter. She told the camera crew she needed to get the kids something to eat whilst walking round. This woman has already wasted money doing that alone. She went on to fill her trolley with random food and then she hit the crisp aisle. If you read my last post you will understand why I am mentioning this. She saw that crisp were half price so she bought 2 big bags. So just in those few minutes she had already 'broken' some of the simple shopping 'rules', this just proving that not everyone knows or follows these wonderful, money saving, shopping tips.

6. Don't shop on an empty stomach!

This one is a classic, almost everybody has heard this saying before but unfortunately I think it needs repeating. I will hold my hands up and admit on occasion I do this and every time it proves to be a huge mistake. Think of the times you have been shopping when you are hungry, did you end up buying things you really didn't need? It's a proven fact we spend more money when shopping, without eating before hand. So this tip is very simple, eat before you shop! Trust me, your purse will be thankful for it. 

7. Plan your meals!

Whether you shop monthly, weekly or daily this tip will help you to stop wasting food and start saving pennies! Planning your meals before shopping and then writing a list of what you need to buy will save you a fortune in the long run. When we shop without a list or meal ideas in place, we end up buying many things we don't need or want. We come home with lots of food, start to go through it and then realize we didn't buy what we needed for proper meals. Planning your meals and writing a list makes life so much easier and healthier! I speak from my younger self and before I did this I was guilty of just randomly putting together whatever I could find in the freezer. We didn't save money and we didn't have a healthy balanced diet either. Totally ashamed to admit this but I once had noodles, beans, fish fingers and chicken nuggets on a plate for my dinner. Was a totally gross and an unhealthy meal! Thinking back now it actually turns my stomach haha. What a random mix! So plan your meals and write a list! 

8. 'Value' vs Branded

When I say 'value' I mean a mix of supermarket value products and their own brand products. Over the years I have come to realize some own brand products are just as good as the leading brand. We have slowly picked up on what we love and what we hate when it comes to 'value' food. This tip I know many people won't want to try, but if you do want to take my advice, just give it a shot. At first you may feel you have wasted money testing out a product and realizing you don't like it, but over the long run you may end up saving lots of pennies by swapping! The way we did it, was once a week we would buy the value or own brand version of an item that we usually always bought branded of. We'd test it out and if everyone was happy then we would swap for good and enjoy the savings. But obviously on occasion we came across the odd yucky one! So why don't you give it a try, test out an own brand or value product today! 

Oh before I move onto the next tip, thought I might mention one example of this. My children love coco pops and shredded wheat. My son is so picky and can tell the difference between almost everything. After constantly buying the branded versions, I one day bought the supermarkets own brand and they went down a treat! Haven't bought branded for a long time since (excluding when they are on offer and work out cheaper! haha). But value cornflakes, huge no no, but own brand cornflakes, not too bad. 

9. Reduced Food.

It's pot luck when it comes to reduced food in supermarkets. Some days you will find a nice range of products, other days you end up with a reduced fridge full of liver (I can't stand liver). The great thing though about reduced food, especially fresh meat, is you can save the pennies and still get great food. One thing to remember though when buying reduced fresh meat, unless you are going to eat it that day, I suggest you freeze it straight away.
Easy tip, check out the reduced fridge every time you shop! You could find a nice little bargain!  

10. Check your receipt! 

I shall leave you will a nice simple, easy tip that majority of us probably already do. Check your receipt before leaving the store! It doesn't happen often but sometimes you can be charged higher than the price labeled on the product shelf. Sometimes items have been scanned by mistake twice and on occasion, your 2 for 1 offers or maybe 3 for £1 don't show up when they have been scanned through the til.
This tip probably won't save you much money but it could save you the odd pence throughout the year. 

Just remember, 'Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves!' 

Hope you enjoyed my second installment of shopping tips to save the pennies. And hopefully you either learned a few new tricks or were reminded of some you may have forgotten.

Good luck shopping and enjoy your saved pennies! 

Feel free to 'like' my page on Facebook Charlotte Dakota's Blog Facebook