Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Kanye West BRITs 2015 Rant!

Just a quick one but feel very strongly about this. The N word needs to vanish, be gone forever. It is not needed in today's society, it is offensive and not necessary.

I'm probably going to get shot down for this but I'm sick to death of the N word, it's classed as offensive so it should just be banned completely!

I don't get how it makes a difference of whether or not it's offensive depending on what colour the skin of the person saying it is. It just needs to vanish.

And flipping Kanye West, doing a song called, 'N**** in Paris'? And performing, 'All Day' which is just lyrics full of the word! Get a grip man, you are straight there attacking people who say it, yet encourage it by putting it in your music. You are a complete hypocrite and fool! We are trying to eradicate racism and this man is just dragging us back by centuries! 

Oh and just to make it worse he gave his designer friend (who happens to be white) a 'N word pass', as if the guy couldn't get any more self-indulgent he now feels he has the right to give permission on who is allowed to use this offensive term.

Look up the dictionary definition yourself, it states it is offensive, it does not specify that it isn't offensive if said by a person with black skin. 

We are all human, we should all love each other and get along. Not segregate each other by allowing a word to be said by some but not others. 

Ban the N word throughout the world. I don't care what your background is, what your race is, if you are rich or poor, we are all equal! 

Okay rant over :) 

1 comment:

  1. When the law makers decided to aggravate an offence by adding a racist element to it they decided it would be sufficiently identified if "anyone" considered it racist. So by definition if you find it racist then it is. Of course this is all designed to create racism and division and KW is just a puppet in that respect, furthering the twisted agenda.
