We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it.
I am not a relationship expert. I don't know everything about love. I am not perfect and I do not have all the answers. But I do know a few things from learning by my past mistakes and things I have noticed throughout my short, little life, when observing my own relationships and seeing from the outside, other relationships.
I've noticed that once in a relationship we get lost in our day to day lives and sometimes need a little kick up the bum to get back to maintaining our relationships.
I love, love, love the quote by John Lennon at the top of this article. It's perfect for describing love or relationships. I think some times we take it for granted, what we have.
In the beginning, when we first start dating some one new, we make sure we are showing that other person the best of us. We pick clothes that look nice, make us look pretty or handsome. We do our hair, whether it's blow drying it or taking a trip to the barbers. We wear perfume or aftershave. We shave our legs, or trim our beard (obviously depending on which sex you are or whatever floats your boat haha). We put effort in to appear on the outside the best we can appear.
We act a certain way, showing the best side of our manners when first dating. We try to remember to say please and thank you, open doors, pull out chairs, smile as much as we can.
We show the best side of our personalities, tell the other about our hobbies or interests. Exciting things we have done in our lives, what we do for a living, or maybe even future plans and goals. And we listen to what the other person has to say.
It all boils down to showing the best of you! In the beginning we all do it.
Now think about it from the other side. When you first started dating, did you show up on the first date with your hair a mess, scruffy clothes, smelling awful, whilst going on about how bad your day was and how angry you are at such a thing. Followed by forgetting manners and maybe even letting out wind at the table? No did you heck start your current successful relationship like that! Because come on, if you are being true to yourself do you think you would have even got a second date if that's how you acted?!?!?!
But unfortunately once you are in that serious relationship or marriage, all the above things, both good and bad tend to blend in together. And then mix that all with day to day lives of going to work, paying bills, cleaning, cooking, looking after kids, getting upset or hormonal. Arguing about money, just generally having a bad day and sometimes taking it out on the ones we love.
Now I know the odd person will say, no my life isn't like that, we treat each other best we can everyday. But come on, both you and I know that is one big fat lie! Nobody is perfect, nobody has the perfect relationship and as much as you try to make it look like the most perfect relationship ever on Facebook or Twitter etc. You have none of us fooled. We all know you have your bad days. And guess what? That is perfectly fine and normal and natural. But hey if you do come across this unicorn of a relationship please write a book for us all to learn from :D
Relationships need work, we love one another but sometimes we forget to show it and we get lost in the craziness of day to day life, but do not hate yourself for it, it's okay. So you are a little bit late watering the 'plant of love'. It's okay, you can make that change from today.
So the whole point of me going on with myself in this particular article was the importance of date night! I strongly suggest you put aside one day or evening a month (at least), for just you and your other half.
Now the rules of date night are simple, a little bit of effort, but simple. All you need to do is prepare yourself, every date night, as if it was your first date!
Make yourself look gorgeous! Get out your best outfit, do your hair, do your make up! Pull out the special occasion perfume or aftershave. And for goodness sake shave your legs! Haha You never know, you could get lucky? ;)
Now you have made yourself look totally fabulous and you have come down the stairs to your other half gob smacked at how extra gorgeous you look tonight, all you need to do is go and enjoy yourself.
Obviously where you choose to go on date night is totally up to you but remember, have fun! No negativity allowed! And above all else, remind your other half just how much you do love them!
Remember - Date night is important, you need to water that plant of love! ;)
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