Once we become comfortable in a relationship we start to let things go. We show our grumpy side a little more, start to nag a little more and sometimes take for granted the things the other person does.
I am more than guilty of this, unfortunately looking back on past relationships I have done all the wrong things, just a little too many times.
For people who know me I can be grumpy and I can nag, a lot (think I get that from my Nan). But as none of us are perfect, I try not to judge myself too much on these things and instead try to make changes.
The relationship I am currently in, I have tried my best to stick to these tips I am about to suggest. Now I haven't always managed to stick by them, I've had the odd slip ups but I have tried. It's still early days but coming up to two years, so must be doing something right? If you fail, just try again. The one you love will be more forgiving than you think. It's never too late to start trying things to make your relationship happier and run more smoothly.
We all have our own roles to play when it comes to a partnership. We all have different things we do. Some stay at home and care for the children, while the other works. Some couples both work and try to split housework and childcare between them. Some have no children and just have to care for each other. No matter what roles you each play in your relationships, you can both learn from and adapt the following tips to suit you!
Now the following tips may seem a little random. They don't seem to have things in common, but trust me they will make a difference, whether it's in a small way or a big way.
1. Close the door when you pee!
Seriously why leave the door open when you are peeing, nobody wants to see that! You wouldn't have done it when you first started dating, so why now? Maybe this one is just me, maybe the rest of the world like seeing the other one pee. Your fetishes are your business, but I personally don't think being 'sexy' and peeing mix together. Keep some mystery in your relationship! Haha
2. Date Night!
Short and sweet. Date night, have one, make one! Making time for just you and your partner to spend together and have fun is so important! Check out my article 'The Importance of Date Night'. I personally think this is a super important tip for a successful relationship, if you choose to ignore all the other tips I suggest, just make sure you take on this one!
3. Compliment Each other!
Complimenting each other sounds like such an easy bit of advice to take on. But unfortunately we are surrounded by so much negativity in our day to day lives, that sometimes we bring all them bad things into our homes. We become more and more negative. Your other half may have washed the pots, cleaned the kitchen floor and finished all the washing, but rather than notice all them things, instead you choose to point out that they haven't finished dinner and you are hungry. If you can just try at the very, VERY least to compliment your partner at least once a day! Compliments put people in great moods, you like people who compliment you and you want to give them more reasons to compliment you, so why not compliment your partner? You never know, they might just love it and choose to give you more reasons to compliment them.
4. Be Grateful!
Very simple, be grateful! Be thankful for the things your loving spouse does for you, whether it's big things like painting the whole living room for you after you asked, or whether it's the small things like picking up wet towels from the bathroom floor! Notice all the good things in your relationship and realize how blessed you are to have each other.
5. Don't Go to Bed Angry!
This little bit of advice has been around for like, forever! I have heard it from so many people, and also heard that it has kept a lot of relationships going. Just do not go to bed angry, make up before you do. Sharing a bed with someone who you are upset with can be one of the loneliest feelings in the world. And also you will lose sleep! Not many people get a good nights rest when they are upset or angry with someone they love. So if you have an argument before bed, try and make up, you will sleep better and wake up friends! Both huge bonuses.
6. Get Over It!
Now nobody is perfect, nobody! So each and every one of us has them few annoying little things that we do. One of the things I do is use lots of different cups for my cups of tea, instead of just reusing the one I first had! And a common one for men is leaving the toilet seat up! Haha. Now that I've mentioned that, I bet you are now thinking of the annoying little things you and your other half do. When don't, just get over it! Is it really that big a deal? Is it worth the negativity and upset?
Now my partner lives a long way a way, it's hard but still great (that's all for a different article). Anyway he came up last weekend and he always leaves the toilet seat up. It doesn't really bother me, I try to take my own advice and just get over it. But on the Saturday night, I'm guessing he had been the last person to pee, I got up in the middle of the night. Half asleep, struggling to see where I was going, the light from the bathroom hurting my eyes. So I was bursting for a pee, half asleep whilst walking to the bathroom with my eyes half shut. I quickly turn around, pull my pants down and sit down. What happens? I fall straight into the toilet! He'd left the seat up! Now I don't have the world's smallest bum, but it's not huge either, so I just fell completely into the toilet! Straight away I was ready for waking him up and telling him off but then I thought, this is actually pretty funny and it's not like he did it on purpose. So I left it. Now if he reads this article it will be the first he's hearing about this!
So what's the advice again? Let me hear you say it. Get over it!
7. Look After Yourself!
I know we can't look super hot all the time, we can only manage our normal hot selves. But try! Look after yourself, it's not hard. Be clean, nobody likes a smelly person. Brush your hair. Men, maybe just have a shave now and then. Ladies, how about a little lipstick before he comes home from work? Believe it or not we all do notice the little changes. It will make you feel better about yourself, and your partner will get to see that little bit sexier version of you! Maybe you'll even get an extra kiss or two for it! ;)
8. Treat Them How You Want to Be Treated!
This goes for everyone. I am a strong believer in this, not just in relationships but in everyday life. Everyone you come across. Treat people how you want to be treated! It's really simple. Do you want the one you love, constantly mentioning the tiny things you have forgotten to do? No. You don't. So don't do it to them. Do you want them to be more affectionate towards you? Yes! Well you be more affectionate towards them! It's not rocket science! Be nice! :)
9. Use Your Friends!
Now when I say use your friends, I obviously don't mean use them in a mean way, or gain goods from them. I mean use them to talk to. Sometimes there are just things your partner just doesn't want to hear about. Ladies, do you think he wants to know about how painful or heavy your time of the month is? No does he heck! He's a man! So moan about that to your girlfriends, they will no doubt moan to you about the same things. Guys, do you have a super gross joke to tell about potty humor and deep down you know the Mrs really isn't interested? Well go tell your male friends, no doubt they will find it extra funny.
10. Snuggle!
Last but definitely not least. Snuggle! Show each other affection, be close to each other, cuddle! Cuddling is proven to help deepen your relationship! Also it can boost your immune system, help relieve pain, and can obviously lead to more ;) So there is no reason for you not to take this bit of advice!
Hope you enjoyed reading my little relationship tips and hopefully you are able to introduce them into your current lives. If you already do these things, then fantastic and I hope you continue to have a happy and successful life together. If you don't do these things, just give them a try. What's the worse that could happen?
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