Sunday 22 February 2015

Quotes and Photos! Part 1

I love quotes, can't get enough of them. I find them so inspirational and when you are in a hard place, they always seem to be able to lift your spirits or give you that kick up the bum you need!

Another thing I love is great photographs. Now I am not a photographer, I can see something and know what I want, but can never capture an image just right. It must not be a trait that I got from my Dad, as he is very talented when it comes to taking a great photo. Just like my Granddad (my Dad's, Dad), he was a fantastic photographer too! 

So although I don't have a way with words, so I am unable to create a quote that will go on for years to come. And I'm no good with a camera. I can still appreciate and enjoy a great quote and a great photo. 

Please enjoy the below images and quotes, just as I have. 

(Photographs are all my Dad's work, the quotes are by whoever it says at the end)

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